

Dear INFORMS Chicago Chapter Members,

TheINFORMSChicago Chapter Boardis happy to report we made it through 2020! In an incredibly turbulent year filled with ups and downs we were proud to support the INFORMS Midwest Community in multiple ways. Despite the COVID shut-down throwing a wrench in our strategic plan, we quickly pivoted and organized timely and relevant events to best support our chapter members. We held resume review sessions and hosted a virtual career fair, hosted online webinars with a series of outstanding speakers, and held our Annual Regional Conference with some internationally renowned speakers participating in a virtual format.

我们有一个神奇的事件在2021年的作品and are excited to be hosting a webinar with Kevin Hartman, Global Head of Analyst Development at Google on March 5th! More details and link to Registerhere.

Meet the 2021 Chapter Board:

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    Esmat Sangari
    7 Points