Community Prizes and Awards

Analytics Society

The Analytics Society of INFORMS sponsors three awards to recognize innovative applications in analytics, to bring attention to critical problems pertaining to the challenge of feeding the earth's growing population and to support women pursuing graduate degrees in operations research or analytics.

Applied Probability

Application of probability theory to systems that involve random phenomena, for example, manufacturing, communication network, computer network, service, and financial systems. The society promotes the development and use of methods for the improvement of evaluation, control, and design of these systems.

Energy, Natural Resources, and the Environment Section

Every year, ENRE awards a number of prizes to recognise outstanding academic contributions in the field of Operations Research & Management Science with applications in energy, natural resources and the environment.

Manufacturing and Service Operations Management

Enhancement and dissemination of knowledge, and the efficiency of industrial practice, related to the operations function in manufacturing and service enterprises. The methods whichMSOMmembers apply in order to help the operations function add value to products and services are derived from a wide range of scientific fields.

Minority Issues Forum

一种增加未被充分代表的少数民族within the OR/MS profession is to highlight the up and coming professionals of tomorrow. Since 2004, MIF has sponsored the travel of underrepresented minority doctoral students close to finishing and showcased their research through a poster session given in conjunction with the MIF’s welcoming reception at the INFORMS Annual Meeting.
