


乔治E. Kimball奖牌:获奖者
2013年 - 获奖者

Eric Wolman是乔治梅森大学Volgenau工程学院系统工程和运营研究的联盟教授。伟德体育1946手机版在数学中获得AB后,他收到了哈佛大学应用数学博士学位。然后,他在AT&T Bell Laboratories工作了30年,主要是在管理层,他自己的工作以电信和计算机系统的拥堵理论为中心。借助哈佛,他设计并教授了交通和队列的课程。After retiring from Bell Labs, Eric served as Vice President for Community Research at the Michigan Cancer Foundation, doing research on cancer-screening policy and quantitative modeling of the timing of patients’ visits to clinics, and managing research and service in home-care nursing and breast-cancer screening. In Detroit he later served as Faculty in the Department of Internal Medicine and the Graduate Program in Cancer Biology at Wayne State University School of Medicine, where he gave a new course intended to give specialized biologists perspective on the pros and cons of existing and proposed approaches to cancer prevention, screening, care, follow-up, and rehabilitation.

Wolman职业生涯博士的重点是在系统工程,研究和开发中的各种作业中,是创造性人们幸福和生产性的环境的创建和维护。他的交通研究和网络工程系开发了对交通网络的近似分析的软件工具,并颁布了贝尔系统的Trunk网络供应工具,供经营电话公司和AT&T的长线部门使用。Eric wrote testimony for an FCC case rebutting its accusation that the Network was over-provisioned by ¾ of a billion dollars to give ‘too good service.’ He led research in OR techniques and human-factors field-studies of new services, and initiated a project to improve coin-telephone instruction cards. He revived a research program in database management, and managed the development of UNIX® Operating System documentation and of computer aids to text criticism and the teaching of English. In addition to the immediate value of these efforts to the Bell System, the organizations under Eric’s leadership produced many influential publications.

Eric’s refereed papers appeared in the Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, the Bell System Technical Journal, Operations Research, Medical Decision Making, and three biomedical journals, and he co-authored book-chapters on traffic engineering in the Bell System and on cancer markers. He served on the National Research Council’s Committee on Fire Research (residential, industrial, and forest fires), and then on the evaluation panels for Fire Programs and for their parent organizations at the National Bureau of Standards (now NIST). Eric served on the editorial board of the SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, on the Council and Board of SIAM, and briefly as chair of that Board. He also served on the nominating committee of the ACM’s Special Interest Group on Management of Data.

Wolman博士在Orsa并自1977年以来一直活跃于Orsa及其继任者通知。他在奥尔萨委员会就其执行委员会和提名委员会雇用。他在四个博士互联网上发表了讲话,帮助学生在学术和工业职业之间做出决定。他曾在卫生申请部门委员会任职,后来担任其奖金奖学金委员会。埃里克担任Orsa并向专业认可委员会通知一年多,招聘奖项委员会椅子,并解决个别委员会内产生的政策问题;他的委员会推出了陈述或/ MS实践教学奖和奖项。后来他是十年内的妇女的财务主管或妇女的合助国,使蠕虫人员可以在接近实时了解他们的会员和预算情况;他接受了这些努力的移动精神奖。他是一位通知的研究员。

为他对业务研究领域和管理科学领域的贡献以及他的杰出服务来通知和奥尔萨,运营研伟德体育1946手机版究所和管理科学将通过授予2013年乔治E. Kimball奖励到Eric Wolman表示诚挚的欣赏。伟德国际app下载安卓


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